Friday, May 1

Happy May Day!

May Day or International Workers Day is
an international holiday (celebrated formally
in every country exept tha US[k] and canada)
where tha working class members of society,
bus drivers, gardeners, teachers etc. get
tha day off in apreciation. This is to remind
us how crucial workers are to our economy
and is globally celebrated w.marches and food
for workers rights, and in amerikkka[k] more
specifically imigrant workers' rights.

Ive been to the last two marches in Los Angeles,
tha 2007 one, as we all remember was abruptly
interupted and shut down by rubber bullets,
mase and LAPD[k]s ''justified'' police[k] brutality.
But its been smooth sailing since, and id encourage
everyone to support our workers and meet w.
grass roots organizations like the BusRidersUnion,
ANSWERLA, and the YouthJusticeCoalition
on Olympic/Broadway today at noon and help
peacefully fight for a better, more humane
life for tha hard workers of our community!


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