Monday, June 29

Lupe, L.A.S.E.R.S.

im feelin you, cant
wait to see whats next.


Sunday, June 28

aCRyLick Geek XD . . .

iNCaSse YaLl DoNtt kNow iM Th3 biGGeSsT FuhkCiN ACRyLick Geek Ha LmFaO Th3y R RiDiCuLouSs Th3 LiNe iS HiP HoP iNSpiReD i Lov3 TheiR ShiTt iT'Zz iNSpiRiN YaLl ShouLd ChekC Th3m Outt

TheiR bLoG LiNk:

buhTt TheeZz R juhSs SoM3 oF Mah FavoRiTe'Zz FrM TheiR SuhMmeR CoLleCTtioN ChekC Th3m OuTt iM PReTti iMPReSs'D i ThiNk YoU MiGhTt be aSweLl . . .



ChekC OuTt Th3 WhoLe CoLleCttioN HeRe On TheiR WebSiTe:


iCoasT . . . beTtUh aCtt Lik3 YoU kNo3 xp

Friday, June 26

DJ AM is no joke!

This dude is the truth when it comes to sneakers.I dont even think i would want this many. haha.

CoRy FuhkCiN GuhN'Zz

ThiSs NiGGuh iS Th3 TRuTh

TheeZz R oLd ViDeO'Zz buhTt ShiTt iF YoU AiNtt SeeN Th3m YoU NeeD 3 GeTt Uhp On Yo ShiTt NePh3w'Zz

iCoasT beTtUh aCtt Lik3 YoU kNo3! . . .

Tuesday, June 23

HeaRttbReAk CoLliSsioN . . .

ThiSs HaSs been StuhkC iN Mah HeaD LaTeLy ThiSs ShiTt iS CLaSsiC

NO HeaRttbReAk ThO i HoP3 i NvR GoTtAh FeeL ThiSs LmFaO xp

RiP DoLlA 3rd YoU'Ll b3 MiSs'D YoU WeRe Tak3n 3 SooN

ReSseaRCh HiSs MuSsiC H3 WaSs DoP3

iCoasT . . . Do YoU?

Monday, June 22

trw records.

TRW Records

Go to the webiste, make a page! its a record company, they are trying to start a networking website but; they want it to circuLate throughout the vaLLey before they make it a worLd wide thing. it's kinda Lke a myspace, but; not reaLLy. it's kinda cooL. AND IS FREE. so check it out.

and check out their artist two G'z, they have some tight sht. they're two guys from the vaLLey who get aLL their resource in the vaLLey (beats, etc..) . they write their own stuff. and their sht is pretty dope. check them out, Listen to their sht.

=) support my famiLy.

Love, 7adybug th3 femaLe coaster<3

mario's come bak..

seems to be pretty cooL,
it's a nice car and cLub song.
gucci manes Lyrics are not too bad,
mario's pretty tight.

sean garrett wrote a pretty cooL song for ths cat.

and the beat =) ohhhh, the beat..

i'm Lovin the beat,
thnx bangLadesh. :)

i Lke the song. i'm kinda hooked.

Love, 7adybug th3 femaLe coaster. <3

smiLey face.

if you have never seen ths movie,
pLease go find it asap...
one of the funniest pot head movies..
omg!!! ahahahaha, Lmaoo...

so, in the movie jane(anna farris) has a series of unfortunate events throughout her day. first she eats her room mates cupcakes, tht she didnt knw were marijuana cupcakes, thn she burns aLL her weed. She stiLL has to get to her audition, and meet her deaLer at vince beach to pay him bak.... i cnt even teLL you aLL the funny things tht happen. you shouLd reaLLy go rent this movie or Look for it on demand if you got time warner cabLe. it's jst jst wayy too funny...

Love, Ladybug the femaLe coaster <3

Saturday, June 20


Before the Money and the girls ..... PhotobucketPhotobucketThey looked like this lmao...


Im Done!!!

PhotobucketWow its been a long run. A lot has happened in the last four years. A lot of friends gained and a few lost. Now its time to take over the quote on quote "real world" and coast to my dreams... Santa Monica Here I Come! haha

Thursday, June 18

the unsung hero.

one of the cooLest white boys doing it.
coLin munroe. you may have heard him featured
on cannonbaLL from drakes Latest mixtape.
he's... the TRUTH! Listen, Listen..
check out his mixtape,
"coLin munroe the unsung hero"

visit or


Love, Ladybug the femaLe coaster. <3

slaughter house spits at xm radio...

if you didnt know about the new supergroup slaughter house...(joebudden+joell ortiz+crooked i&royce the 5`9)they killinnnnn it... heres them spittin at xm radio &joe budden takes a shot at method man?chekcc it out...


Wednesday, June 17

RokC3ts 9ot it!!

all that...holla

Tuesday, June 16

Happy Birthday

2pac Pictures, Images and PhotosRest In Peace to one of the greatest to ever do it


Monday, June 15

Why are you so ''Paranoid''?


fifth single from
what more can you
ask for?


Death of autotune.

death of autotune, moment of silence....


Saturday, June 13


holy fuccin' moly....

BLue lobsters...

joe budden third studio album....

joe budden is bakc to release his third studio album "The Great Escape" which is said to be a completion of his album trilogy which includes "halfway house"&"padded room"&which budden is set to break out of the shell and we should be seeing a whole new side of budden
"The great escape " will be available in both cd&digital form october 13th 2009 courtesy of
-doeyy coast

Friday, June 12

He's not seein' me

I still bump their trakc t'gether.. pwuaahaa.

"you accomplish in a week what I daily require"


Thursday, June 11

When celebs fall.....

Everyones "Favorite"Beyonce takes one for the team LolJazmine Sullivan was feeling her self a lil too much!!The game..The winner!!Dizzee Rascal lol


Festival Dates:
Friday June 26th & Saturday June 27th, 2009

Festival Hours:
Friday June 26th 4pm to 2am
Saturday June 27th 4pm to 4am

what you know
about that??


DJ Hero @ E3

so i can wait till this come outs. its going to be bigger the "Guitar Hero"


Wednesday, June 3

alife. 2009 summer collection!

Monday, June 1

Culver City

so on the way back from venice beach. i stoped @ the all famous titos tacos, and came across this..

the famous Titos Tacos....



Man gets toasted by an electrical wire.... Crazy!
-MF Milo